Everyone who starts blogging would like to become successful. Success can be achieved and interpreted in different ways. Most bloggers are inclined to measure success by the number of traffic or visits generated by their blogs while some bloggers claim themselves successful when they effectively monetize their blogs. However you define and measure success in Blogging, Blogging Mix will be a useful concept for bloggers who aspire to become successful.
Today's article will focus on defining and explaining the Blogging Mix and its components. It will also give you a brief overview of the necessary elements that every blogger needs in order to become successful in blogging.
In marketing, we have what we call as the marketing mix. Otherwise known as the 4Ps and 7Ps for goods and services respectively. These Ps (product, price, promotion, place, physical evidence, process and people) are key elements that determine the success of a marketing campaign, program or project.
Blogging has its own mix of elements that I wish to refer to as the Blogging Mix. Blogging Mix is made up of 3Cs, namely; Content, Connection and Continuity. These three elements are vital for the success of every blogger. Just like the marketing mix, the proper management of the Blogging Mix will lead bloggers to a successful blogging experience.
Blogging Mix or the 3Cs (content, connection and continuity)
Blogging Mix embodies all that a blogger should have or should accomplish to become successful in blogging. Content, Connection and Continuity are all that is needed for bloggers to achieve their goals and objectives. Let's tackle the Blogging Mix one by one starting first with content.
Content refers to the value of posts or entries that a blogger publish on his or her blog. It also refers to the topic, layout, theme, genre, tone, use of keywords, HTML and the format of the blog. In short, 'content is a blog's internal environment'. Take note that in content, bloggers are primarily if not solely responsible of its outcome.
Perhaps you have heard from other bloggers that content is king, king for the reason that according to them it's the most important aspect of a blog. The idea of giving content the utmost importance is something I beg to disagree with. I have noticed some blogs with great contents but do not receive the attention and appreciation they deserve. I believe that a blog is supported by three elements (content, connection and continuity) in order to be successful. These three elements share the same and equal importance and value. They work like a tripod and the absence of one element makes blogging a failure.
Here are a few questions that can be used to gauge the effectiveness of a blog's content.
1. Is your blog's topic timely, relevant, informative or entertaining?
2. Are the posts on your blog presented well for convenient reading? Are your posts free from errors? Are you using your keywords in your posts?
3. Is your blog optimized for search engines? Is it search engine friendly? Are you using tags?
4. Do you spend time to conduct research before writing your entries? Do you take time to understand what your readers need and want?
Any question with a NO answer needs your attention. Take note that these are basic things in blogging. Articles discussing the more technical issues of content will be posted at Blogskinny.com very soon.
Connection is another important element in the Blogging Mix. Connection refers to the inbound or incoming (link to your web page from another site) and outbound or outgoing links to your blog. It also pertains to a blogger's network of friends, readers, admirers, competitors and community. Connection should also be understood as the ways bloggers interact with their networks. And lastly, connection refers to the techniques and strategies that bloggers employ to publicize or promote their blogs. In simple words, 'connection is the external environment of a blog'. While bloggers have more responsibilities to their blog's content, connection largely depends to the blog's external environment (i.e. readers, admirers, competitors etc.).
A lot of blog experts assert how links, both inward and outward, are essential in determining a blog's search engine ranking or a blog's visibility in the blogosphere. Link alone however cannot stand on its own. As I've said earlier, bloggers need connections to supplement content and continuity to support both. In a series of posts I will soon publish in www.blogskinny.com, I will be writing a more detailed article about connection so keep on visiting Blogskinny.com for updates.
To assess your blog's Connection, here are a few more questions to guide you.
1. Do you receive positive and negative comments or feedbacks about your posts on your blog? Do you respond to these comments?
2. Do you have an RSS? Do people subscribe to your feeds?
3. Have you signed up in Technorati, Mybloglog, Blogcatalog or Squidoo?
4. Have you been commenting on other blogger's blog? Have you been joining forums lately?
5. Is your blog registered to major search engines? Blog directories? RSS directories?
Continuity may sound easy or simple but it actually shares the same level of devotion and hard work that content and connection require. Continuity refers to the continuous development or improvement of a blog's content and continuity. It also refers to the consistent and continuous updating or posting fresh articles on your blog. Most successful bloggers of today are those people who remained consistent in updating their blogs. Through continuous blogging, a blogger will be able to gain a wide number of readers and will receive more referrals from search engines and other websites and weblogs.
You should however understand that continuity is not merely about continuous blogging or posting new entries or articles on your blog. More importantly, continuity is all about development and progress. It's about taking the next step one after another. If you take time to read older blog posts of successful bloggers, you'll find out that their current posts are a lot better compared to their older entries. This is what exactly continuity is all about.
In recognition of the significance of continuity in successful blogging, I will be devoting a series of posts to tackle the issues surrounding continuity and its impact to successful blogging at Blogskinny.com.
To be a successful blogger your blog needs more than just content, connection and continuity. You should have the proper combination of the Blogging Mix or the 3 Cs depending on the nature of your blog. The proper combination of the Blogging Mix is another article that will be covered in the succeeding posts.
Do you agree with this article? Do you think I'm missing another "C" in the Blogging Mix that should be included? Whatever you have in mind, please share it to other readers so we can learn from each other. You can always post your opinions and ideas in the comment section. Thanks.
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Key Factors to a Successful Blog
Monday, January 5, 2009
10:44 PM | Labels: blog tips, blogger tips, blogging, blogging tips | 0 Comments
Future of Blogging is Photo Blogging
Many people feel that photo blogging is the most
exciting kind of blogging that exists. Building and
maintaining a photo blog is no more difficult than
creating and updating a text-based blog, and many
people feel that the internet's high speed, full-color
technology reaches the pinnacle of its appeal with the
transmission of images. Posting photographs in a blog
format on a daily, weekly, or occasional basis is a great
way to express yourself while reaching viewers in an
emotionally charged and aesthetically engaging way,
and surfing photo blogs can help you to get a whole
new perspective on the world in which we live.
Many people who run image blogs are photographers by
trade, but photo blogging is also very popular among
hobbyists and amateur shutterbugs. To be certain, a lot
of the most popular photo blogs have gained attention
because the pictures on them are of the highest artistic
caliber, and a lot of the people who run these striking
blogs are graduates of prestigious art schools and have
impressive professional portfolios. However, some of
the most well known and most often visited photo blogs
are as notable for their concepts as for the pictures
themselves. Certain photo blogs, like the popular "Cute
Overload" which features picture after picture of
adorable animals, are more about the thematic content
of the pictures than they are about the style in which the
snapshots are taken.
The fact that photo blogs range from forums to display
the work of highly skilled artisans to playful collections
of curiosities shows that photo blogging is a truly
diverse form. The fact that photo blogs are so easy to
build and to update makes this kind of visual
communication very democratic, and enables people at
all skill levels to become a part of the global
conversation about the nature and value of photography
Whether you are an artist or hobbyist who wants to
create a photo blog, or whether you are just somebody
who enjoys learning about new places and things,
spending some time looking at the most popular
photography blogs on the internet can be a very
rewarding endeavor. You can travel to another place or
another time by seeing pictures of faraway locations and
long-gone eras. You can see your own neighborhood
with fresh eyes by discover how local artists have
photographed the town or city in which you live. Photo
blogging allows people to communicate all of these
things and more, which makes it a very exciting part of
the modern blogosphere. If the best thing about web
technology is that it allows people to reach each other in
a very personal way from across great distances, then in
many ways photo blogs are the most successful kind of
web sites.
10:36 PM | Labels: blog tips, blogger, blogger tips, blogging, blogging tips, Online Business | 0 Comments
Will 3 Way Links Boost Your Page Rank?
When determining your pagerank, search engines will look at your link activity. Don't fret if you are unsure of how this all works. Read on to find out more.
Links that point to yoursite are known as inbound links.
Outbound links are the links you add to your site, that point to external sites.
Links that direct the visitor to pages and articles within your site, from your site, are called internal links.
Reciprocal linking is a basic link swap. This is when you like someone's site and they like yours, so you decide to swap links. They are not as valuable as one way inbound links.
Search engines considers many factors when deciding on your site's page rank, but one of the main things they look at is how many inbound links you have, compared to outbound links. You should be careful not to have many outbound links and only a few inbound, as this will have a negative effect on your page rank, which could mean less sales.
Although many people spend a lot of time writing articles and submitting them to get traffic and links, there is a far easier way and it is called 3 Way Linking. It is amazingly effective and worked for me, by getting my unknown site to the top of Google. This resulted in my being able to get out of debt and focus on things I really enjoy. 3 Way Linking is a very special technique and works for all sorts of niches. A lot of people have already experienced superb results.
So what are 3 Way Links anyway?
As you know, normally when setting up a reciprocal link to a site, you link site A to site B and vice versa, whilst this is no bad thing, Google much prefers one way links and will reward your site with a higher page rank if you have these one way links coming in. Three way linking uses three different sites from one niche. Site A links to Site B, Site B links to site C and site C links back to site A.
Three way links are extremely high quality, as each site receives a unique link.
In conclusion, this strategy is a lot more helpful and effective, than spending time chasing down reciprocal links. You don't even have to find three way links manually, as there is software that can do it all for you. Basically once you have spent 5 minutes setting it up, you can set it and forget it. When you check back you will see an increase in page rank, traffic and sales.
10:20 PM | Labels: blog tips, blogger tips, Online Business | 0 Comments
How To Make Blog Interesting And Popular To Read?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Your blogs are a means to make yourself known to zillions of information hungry online audience. But is it always possible for a blogger to trap its writing potential in every subject or area in which he or she writes. The answer is a big No. Though, as a blogger you might be adept in writing collaterally on two subjects, but it is next to impossible to write with equal impact on all the subjects. The basic intention of writing a blog is to do business and make easy bucks, and this is possible if you deliver well and deliver right. You need to get the right content for your blog and keep the interest of the visitors. To achieve this, identify your forte, your area of interests and then strike.
Listed below are some important guidelines that will help you in identifying your strength to write a successful and popular blog:
1.Selection of the topic - Selection of right topics and theme is the most indispensable criterion, to make your blogs successful and popular. For more results please log on to www.blog-and-ping.com. Stick to one topic in which you have a basic knowledge. By gradually writing on that topic, you become more knowledgeable, since you do lot of research and thinking on that particular topic. Writing on a well-versed topic is much an easy task then writing on something that you are not fully aware. When you are writing on the subject that you are expert at, you write faster and correctly explain your feelings to the web audience.
2. Flexibility in Your Ideas - Do not make your blogs look monotonous and dull with verbose phrases. Bring variations in your writing. A successful blogger is one who brings maximum variation in the ideas. In this way, you can deliver a great number of well-written blogs with little research and less time. As a creative blogger you can think of bringing any number of variations without changing topics altogether. This will make your blogs appear fresh then ever to your readers. Herein you can feel the pulse of the visitors by referring to the feedback and responses and modify your writing accordingly.
3. Specific Posts for your Blogs - Restricting yourself to your domain enables you to create specific posts. You can also go to www.profit-pulling-toolbars.com. This means you will be having a dedicated audience group that is searching for the topics you write. Increasing keywords in your blogs make it easier for the search engine to deliver just the exact article, as the reader wants to read. Furthermore, by placing ads in your site, specific to your blogs, will help you generate more profits because when a visitor visits your blogs, they are more likely to click on the link of that advertisement. More clicks on ads mean more money and you will earn rich dividends by the blogs.
Keep the aforementioned tips in mind while writing for your blogs. This way, you will be able to write blogs that will earn accolades and profits, besides making your blogs hot property on the Internet.
10:42 PM | Labels: blog tips, blogger, blogger tips, blogging, blogging tips | 0 Comments
Blog Optimization is a Lifelong Learning Process
I am sure your quest for blogging information has come to an end as you read this article. Yes, gone are those days when we have to search endlessly for blogging information or other such information like brand blog, blogging Tories, free speech blog or even internet blog sites. For more details go to: www.building-blog-empire.com Even without articles such as this, with the Internet all you have to do is log on and use any of the search engines to find the blogging information you need.
If only the millions of people currently web logging could understand that they do not need high traffic to make money, it would make a huge difference. However, first and foremost, it is important to understand that you will need to completely change your approach. The whole idea is that there is stuff that is best suited only to high traffic sites, just like there are things that work best with low traffic sites only. There are also certain things that work well with both low traffic and high traffic sites. The tricky part is getting to recognize them.
Use real world applications to prove to your readers the expert advice or information you’re passing on. Given that most of your blog postings are going to be 100% test try to assist your readers visualize the benefit of heeding your advice by displaying a real world example or actual application that you or one of your existing clients have encountered. Try for the Hey, man, that would solve our problem, too reaction from your reader.
You have your own domain name and web hosting, but you decide to host your blog elsewhere. Why? If your website is then your blog should be hosted at There is no reason for you to use an external blog service. First of all, you are putting the control of your blog in their hands- what happens when they decide to erase it? - Believe me, it happens. The second reason this is silly is because you should want to brand yourself and your business. Using another company’s domain is great for their branding but not yours.
You should not forget that you are only a step away from getting more information about blogging information or such related information by searching the search engines online. Google alone can give you more than enough results when you search for blogging information.
If you’re selling a service, you know that it’s hard to differentiate yourself from the thousands of others who are selling the same service.
For help visit: www.blogers-guide-to-profit.com a blog is a way to do that. If you’re a dance coach, for instance, you’ve got plenty to write about. You’ll attract lots of new business, and you can bring in extra income when you solicit your equipment suppliers to advertise on your blog.
This really is a general overview of web logging for money, which is a big picture. However, do be reassured of its relative ease. The most important thing is just to make a start. Identify what you wish to write the blog about, register a free web logging account at BlogSpot or Word press, and then start posting! After that, you will surely pick up hints and tips about monetization and driving traffic along the way. Many internet marketers will confirm that blog optimization is a lifelong learning process, so do not feel you have to get it right first time. Web logging for money should be fun, so ensure you enjoy the process.
Making money web logging really is easy in technical execution, so much so that even a relative technophobe could do it. The real key is to attract enough targeted traffic to your blog regularly to ensure that you’re getting the hits on your affiliate links and Google Adsense advertising. You’ll find plenty of advice on how to charge traffic to blogs through internet forum searches. Just be persistent and display a willingness to learn.
10:38 PM | Labels: blog tips, blogger tips, blogging tips | 1 Comments
7 Secrets for Successful Blogging
Secret 1: Write about what you know
Visitors to your blog are only interested in your blog if your blog has interesting content. Do you stay intrigued in a website if the content is boring? And what better way to make content more exciting than to add content about a topic you know. If you know a lot about motorcycles start a block about it. Topics can include changing the carburetor or redoing the chrome on the headlights. If the topic is something you know you’re writing will flow more naturally and hence read more naturally to visitors.
Secret 2 - Stay on topic
using the motorcycles, your blog should not stray from motorcycle related issues. Do not start talking about the latest real estate news or golf carts. Talk strictly about motorcycle topics. Google Adsense parses the keywords in your blog and uses those keywords to place ads on your blog that are relevant to the content.
Secret 3: Quantity over quality.
This may seem counter intuitive. You want visitors to be interested in your site because the content is great. So quality is important right. But in order to get visitors, the quantity of content should be large meaning more keywords detected by search engines which translates to higher spots in search results right. Well yes they are both right. The ideal situation is a lot of high quality content.
Secret 4: Recycle
No news is good news. No news really means anything new to post on your blog. You do not necessarily need to keep posting new content. That is the perfect circumstance but there is also a lot of information available on almost every topic ever written on the Internet. Taking that content rewording it and posting it on your blog is recycling.
Secret 5: Post on a regular schedule.
Our posts have a schedule written on them usually an updated every week bulletin. And guess what. We stick to it. There may not always be new content for such a posting schedule so you can use the recycling idea. While a weekly schedule is hard to keep everyone has a family for more detail visit www.profit-pulling-toolbars.com when you stick to a schedule visitors can really on updated blog content and they will return more frequently to your blog, increasing the likelihood of an Adsense click.
Secret 6: Be clear and simple
if talking about motorcycles using motorcycle jargon is okay. Make your content understandable. Use easy to understand words for more detail visit www.rss-announcers.com and make the format user friendly. You are talking to a large and varied audience and it should not require an advanced engineering degree from MIT to read a blog.
Secret 7: Keywords
Google parses through the blogs content to not only find relevant ads to put on the blog but also to rank the blog in its search results. Google will see the density of those keywords and associate your blog with motorcycle repair sites and include the blog with other motorcycle repair sites or blog when returning search results. This will drive traffic to your blog.
Google parses through the blog content to not only find relevant ads to put on the blog but also to rank the blog in its search results. Google will see the density of those keywords and associate your blog with motorcycle repair sites and include the blog with other motorcycle repair sites or blog when returning search results. This will drive traffic to your blog.
10:35 PM | Labels: blogger tips | 0 Comments
Search Finest Ideas For Your Blog
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Being a blogger can sometimes seem like such a simple business at times. It is something that almost everyone can do and have success. But after a while, the fun of blogging sometimes wears off. It is a hard task to come up with new and exciting topics every week for your blog that will captivate your audience.
After a while, the excitement of having a blog wears off and it is just harder to find good topics. Being imaginative is a thing of the past. But before you get stuck in that rut, there are a few things you can do. Attack That Writers Block No one likes to suffer from writers block and sometimes it may seem like there is no cure.
But there are a few things that you can do during the rough spots to try to avoid writers block. Any blog owner who wishes to get traffic without constant promotion and marketing will have to use some form of search engine optimization. Try finding where all your inspiration comes from and return to that exact spot.
If you are currently dealing a nasty bought of writers block, get up and get out. Take the dog for a walk or flip through a magazine. You could even try writing your blog posts in different spots like a cafe or in the park. Breaking up the routine will help you a lot. Try Adding A Few Links If you just can't seem to find your motivation, borrow some from a different site. You can also go to www.blog-link-generator.com.
You maybe have a few different blogs that you really enjoy reading. Try sharing some of the most inspiring ones with others by posting what it is you enjoyed most from them and a link so your readers can do the same. Some More Ideas There is plenty of good spots where you can find some great motivation for your blog. Why don't you start carrying around a some paper and a pen with you.
That way if you happen to get some good inspiration while you are at the supermarket, you can jot it done instantly before you forget it. Be ready and you will see the benefits. Sometimes when you are just in the mood for writing you need to take full benefit of it. If you are known to go through small stages of no encouragement, then seize the day when you feel like writing.
You must take benefit of all the moments when you feel like writing more than the norm. Just think that if you were to write one extra blog post every single week, then in a few weeks you would have a nice little keep of posts. Keep these extra articles for that right moment when you just can't seem to have any good ideas.
There are so many diverse ideas to try and produce new topics for your blog. If you really put forth an honest effort and try a few of these out you will see a big difference. Find the method that works the very best for you--even if it means mixing things up every once in a while. You will find the right method for you.
4:48 AM | Labels: blog tips, blogger, blogger tips, blogging, blogging tips | 0 Comments